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2023 News & Updates

Our first raffle for 2023 raised $545 for our charity! Thanks for participating - follow along for new opportunities to support the animals of Berkeley County!

Beginning in 2023, we initiated a sponsorship program, where businesses and even philanthropic individuals may support our efforts through one-time or recurring donations. Please email President@friendsofberkeleyanimalcenter.com for more information.

August 28, 2023 | We honored departed companions with a luminary walk on Remembrance Day. Community members were able to reserve a lantern for a small donation and offer their own special message to be included for those who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. A video of this meaningful tribute can be viewed here. Thank you to donors, participants and volunteers, and to Jonathan Simpson for drone/video footage.

Play Yard Ribbon Cutting | While our play yard was completed and officially in use in late 2022, our ribbon cutting was held in spring of 2023 with several county council and community members present. The yards have now been outfitted with shade sails, toy bins, enrichment items such as a ball-pool, and a seating area for humans who are either volunteering with or visiting with a shelter dog during a meet-n-greet. Families are made in this very space!


2022 News & Updates

After months of fundraising and reviewing bids, we were able to secure equipment for a dog playground and associated fencing at the shelter! This enrichment opportunity is critical for reducing kennel stress and helping the dogs decompress from living behind kennel walls while they await adoption, sometimes for months. Thank you to our donors and to our devoted volunteers who assisted with setting up the equipment and play yard!

tan dog on playground equipment  black and white dog on playground equipment



In early December, 2022, we held a holiday basket raffle, with a drawing done via a Facebook live video on December 14. This effort raised about $800, which was our most successful basket raffle to date!

Through our fundraising, we have been able to secure much-needed items for the shelter's surgery suite, including autoclaves, an additional OR table, a new oxygen concentrator, and new operating room lights. Our fundraising provides critical support to the shelter's medical care of the animals!
Image courtesy of Ophelia's Wine and Bites Facebook page. On October 21, 2022, we had our first partnering with local small business Ophelia's Wine and Bites, and artist Sue Selvey, to offer a dinner program with an art twist as a fundraiser to support the shelter. The event was well-attended and a success gaining much-needed funding through art sales, as well as our own retail items and the dinner donation we received from the restaurant.
sample art created by a shelter dog Also in October, our companion program, Heroes for Hearts, had a one-day art sale and raised enough to cover two lifesaving heartworm treatments for in-shelter dogs. Paintings had been created by the shelter dogs and their finished pieces were sold and delivered with an artist bio for each, as well as a witnessed certificate of authenticity!

This fledgling group also holds regular bake sales at Pet Supplies Plus in Goose Creek, the proceeds of which are always tagged for heartworm positive dogs to receive treatment. This store partner is incredibly generous, not only to our shelter and nonprofit, but to all of the area rescues, often hosting round-up programs and supply donations.

Our fifth annual Rescue Me event was held September 24, 2022 at beautiful Cypress Gardens. This year's event featured a dunk tank (complete with local notables hitting the water!), vendors, food trucks music, and several local rescues with available adoptables. Rescue Me is one of our largest annual fundraisers and it continues to grow in popularity each year! For more information or to become a vendor next year, please visit our Events page. Live5News visited for a bit - click here for segment.

We held our first 50/50 raffle this year and the kindhearted raffle winner donated back a generous portion of her winnings too! Click here to watch the video! Congratulations again, and thank you!

In September, our Board underwent member changes as two ended their terms and we were joined by new members. We are excited for our future! To learn more about our dedicated board members, please click here.

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EIN: 83-3548657 - click below to begin your lifesaving participation! Thank you!

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